Short fiction; "The Out Post" / Sayed Jalal Husseini ; "The Unknown" / Abdulqafar Azad
"End of Story" / Ghafar Azad ; "The Death Row" / Maryam Ebrahimi Short Documentary and
"The beggar" / Mohammad Reza Gholami has been selected on Eastern Breeze International Film Festival.
Eastern Breeze International Film Festival is an annual film festival held in Toronto, Canada, which previews short and mid-length films of all genres, including documentary, animation, fiction and experimental, from around the world which contain an eastern taste or philosophy. This is a public film festival that takes place every October in Toronto.
Eastern Breeze International Film Festival aims to give new talent an opportunity to have their work screened for cinema fans who would be unable to find these films in their local movie theatres. EBIFF strives to highlight the enigmatic eastern arts and cultures, introducing the existential humanist, and soulful characteristics of these bracing cultures in the context of a modern, Western Canada. By helping to bridge that gap, we celebrate Canada’s rich multicultural community.
The festival will highlight contributions from the quickly growing Canadian communities that come from the East. Today across Canada, these communities number 12 million people from Asia and the Middle East. In Ontario alone, over three million share an eastern culture, and it is to honour and display their cinematic contributions that Eastern Breeze rolls out this fall.
Eastern Breeze International Film Festival will held on 18 to 25 October in Toronto, Canada.