
Monday, February 11, 2013

6 short films produced with 2014 subject

Afghanistan Changes: 2002-2014 through the eyes of young Afghan filmmakers

The British Council Film project, Afghanistan Changes: 2002-2014 through the eyes of young Afghan filmmakers will be closed on 10 February 2013.

Swap by S. Masoud Islami
Jawed Taiman president of Tora Bora Media said, our film project lead, supported by 3 other experienced film directors gathered 50 young Afghan film makers from Kabul and other provinces to produce 6 short films with an aim to reflect people’s view on Afghanistan’s events 2002-2014 and beyond through film. The films are expected to be screened locally in the closing ceremony of the project to Afghan and international audience.

The project provided an excellent development opportunity for the filmmakers who benefited from a number of workshops on script writing, cinematography and postproduction skills.

For the future, we plan to provide opportunities for these 6 films to be screened in international festivals, which will help change of perception of people overseas about Afghanistan.

Institutional development and capacity building of Afghanistan creative industry, developing cultural leadership and national cultural identity and international recognition are the key areas of focus of the British Council’s cultural engagement in Afghanistan.

The British Embassy as part of our bilateral programmed funding supported this film project.
Click here to watching the trailer

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