Death to the Camera SELECTED TO HOT DOCS 2012
Death to the Camera by Sayed Qasem Husseini HOT DOCS invite Death to the Camera to screen at the 2012 Hot Docs Canadian International Documentary Festival (April 26-May 6).
Death to the Camera by Sayed Qasem Husseini HOT DOCS invite Death to the Camera to screen at the 2012 Hot Docs Canadian International Documentary Festival (April 26-May 6).
Death to the Camera will be presented with a feature documentary, and is eligible for the Award for Best Short Documentary, and the Audience Award.
About film: A camera moves among woman working their last
day on a job site. As they joke and fight – accusing each other of being
prostitutes, liars, and racists – the mood repeatedly shifts between belly
laughs and rage. The women are left waiting for hours for their pay by the
charity that administers the cash-for-work program. As they wait, they consider
what debts they’ll pay off, what food they’ll buy, and how they’ll stay warm
during the approaching winter. There is lively discussion about what happens to
all the aid that never reaches them, and whether Karzai is a crook or a servant
of the people.
Is the camera revealing anything truthful, or simply
inciting these women to present what they think ‘the other’ wants to hear – or
what might get them something from the world on the other side of the camera?
Who is on the other side of that camera anyway?
"Death to the Camera" Produced by CS Film.
"Death to the Camera" Produced by CS Film.

Last year his film "Death to the Camera" was
Husseini is working as project manager and director of
documentary film department in MIRIAM FILMS.